If you want to see elephants, there aren't many places that can compare with Amboseli National Park in Kenya. Underground springs bring melt water from Mt. Kilimanjaro into the swamps of Amboseli, and that water brings in the large groups of elephants everyday to graze on the fresh grass, drink, and bathe. At the end of the day another trek begins as the elephants head back to their homes in the nearby hills. The photographic opportunities are terrific, with Mt. Kilimanjaro as a great back drop when weather permits. There is also a private reserve adjacent to the park, where you can get out of the vehicles and shoot from low angles. This is my second visit to Amboseli, making up for having been sick last time I was there. I hope I can get back again sometime soon. Also, if you're looking to support the conservation of elephants in the Amboseli area, here's a link to get you started:
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