I recently made a quick photo trip up the coast of California - making it up to Monterey to have a little dinner with famed photographer and trip leader Andy Biggs, and the legendary Rob Thesman. They had been shooting in the area for a few days and told me that they'd been having a hell of a time getting the kind of shots they were hoping for because the weather was too damn nice. (These are the kind of problems only photographers would care about) This was unexpected during winter in the middle of a big El Niño year. The weather was in fact gorgeous, without a cloud in the sky for days on end. We'd always like to have a little something happening in the sky to add more interesting elements, not to mention that it helps diffuse the otherwise harsh light. I was concerned I was going to have the same issue as I had planned on shooting my way back down to LA over the next few days. Well the next day started out cloudless as I had feared, but by sunset in Big Sur the clouds started rolling in. Over the rest of the week, basing myself in Cambria and moving north and south, I had fog banks and clouds every morning and evening. Luck of the draw I guess. I need to get up there again soon to spend more time looking around. It was tough to pick just a few locations, and I left too many behind. Here's a few images from the trip:
