I have to say that I didn't even know where to start or go with my trip report on Egypt. I saw and experienced so much in a such a short time that I truly could do 8 or 9 trip reports on various aspects of the trip. But, respecting your attention spans, and server space on my website, I'll try to limit it to 2 or 3.
That said, I'll start with some images of the great, friendly people I met along the way. I spent a majority of my time away from urban areas, and the folks I met in the countryside were fantastic. They were happy to have visitors after a long year with next to none, and were extremely grateful to see some signs of life for their economy. I met pita bread bakers, farmers, chefs, vendors of all sorts, and maybe my favorite were the folks working on restoring archeological sites or digging in the crazy heat to look for more. These guys were amazingly happy in spite of obviously miserable working conditions. Of course, like a lot of us, I would have loved to dig along with them, but rules prevented that... oh and the heat... yeah the heat prevented it too. It was over 110 degrees every day I was out in the desert. A note about the donkeys; they are ubiquitous out in the country. Everyone seemed to use them for anything from simple transport, to hauling crops out of the fields. There were many days when I would see more donkeys on the streets than cars, and most folks on them were happy to have their photo taken and take a minute to visit. Enjoy the photos. You can click on them to start/stop.