One of the great things about any wildlife trip is that even if you're out to find one thing (in the case of India it was tigers) you always see tons of other interesting life to photograph. There's always time to kill when you can't find your main target, so a decent amount of time is spent with other animals. Having not been to India before, I read a little bit about what other wildlife to look for, but mostly I got to know more about the tigers. Well, here's what I know now: the place is loaded with peacocks. They're everywhere - scattering from the roads as you pass by. It was mating season, so they were on full display. Being a sucker for shiny objects, I was thrilled to see them all of the time. There are a couple of species of deer, sambar and spotted deer, which are the main food supply for the tigers. There are extremely shy sloth bears which are unique to India, leopards, (chased a couple, but no pix) wild boar, jakals, hyenas and lots of exotic birds. Who knew? Well, I would have... if I had read little more.
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