I kick myself on a daily basis for not spending more time exploring the state where I've lived for over 20 years ( I can show you the bruises ) so I recently made a quick tour of some cool spots in California that I've wanted to check out in spring. Four locations in five days doesn't do any of them justice, but I was glad to get out there. I spent a great day at Carrizo Plain National Monument for some peak super-bloom viewing. The hills were covered in Hillside Daisies, Orange Fiddlenecks, and Phacelias - an amazingly pretty area. I was lucky that I only saw maybe five other people there the entire day. From there, I made my way to Death Valley for some time in Mesquite Flat Dunes working on some night photography and landscape images. I always love being out there, especially at night. Then it was time for two places I haven't been before: Alabama Hills & Mono Lake. Both of these places have been photographed to death, but it was good to check them out and do a bit of scouting for future visits. Alabama Hills is at the base of Mt. Whitney in the Sierras, with amazing rock formations of giant boulders and natural arches. I ran up to Mono Lake for sunset, then back down to Alabama Hills for some star photographs and sunrise. Whew. The limestone Tufa towers are the main attraction at Mono Lake: bizzare limestone formations that give the place an alien feel. Enjoy some of the images below, and if you can spare 5 minutes I shot some drone footage which is below the slideshow. All images © Andy Lerner 2019 Music by Sheldon Mirowitz
(click on the images to start & stop)