Sneaking Off To Mexico

I know, I know... I probably shouldn't be traveling right now. But it's been harder and harder to stay at home, so I planned a trip to get in the water with Atlantic sailfish off of the coast of Mexico. This was my first time in the water for over a year, which is a long time (for me anyway) - especially when locked in the house most of the time. I'm glad I went, maybe more for helping out the local economy a tiny bit, as they depend on tourism and have been hurting pretty badly. This is my third time photographing sailfish off of Isla Mujerés. It can be really challenging, exciting and action packed. Sailfish are one of the fastest fish in the ocean at over 60 mph, so keeping up with them can be a workout, They famously come in to feed on sardines in January & February, making for some great opportunities. Things were a little quieter this time than other years, but what I didn't expect was a group of 7 or 8 mantas that showed up one day. Mantas are pretty rare in winters, so this was a real treat. Fortunately, they stuck around in the same area long enough for me to get some decent shots. Enjoy shots of both mantas and sailfish.- notice how different the sailfish are from each other. They flash different colors when attacking a school of sardines, and put of a great show. (You can click on the photos to start and stop the slides)
