In that old tradition of looking backward instead of forward, it's time for another year in review. My timing is pretty good - as of my writing this there's about 9 hours left in 2017. Since I don't anticipate any more photo trips in the next 9...
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I wanted to interrupt my flow of posts from my recent African trip with a post of my recent Colorado trip. At the end of September I made it out to Telluride just in time for the last bit of fall color. The aspen trees were peaking in some parts and...
Continue readingIt's not unusual to see cheetahs while on safari in the Masai Mara. You may see one hunting or sleeping alone, or sometimes with a partner or two. You'll often see a mother with her cubs. What you don't often see is five cheetahs hunting, eating,...
Continue readingI'm finally getting through the metric ton of photos from last month's trip to Kenya. One of the main reasons for this trip was to see another migration season. I was there for it a few years ago, and felt like I only caught a glimpse. I was right,...
Continue readingYou've probably heard about the rains that finally came to California this winter and by all accounts put a major dent in the long drought. Well that's good news, because when lots of rain hits after a long drought, the long dormant flower seeds in...
Continue readingI'm finally getting through my underwater pix from my December trip to Indonesia. While I had a great experience with the Komodo dragons on the beach, ( see last post ) most of my time on this trip was spent exploring the reefs in and around Komodo...
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