I've been fortunate in the last couple of decades to travel quite a bit and see a good chunk of our planet. For Earth Day this year, I thought I'd share a few of my more memorable moments. Besides... I've had a little time on my hands lately!
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In the last post I raved about those grizzly cubs and how much they kept us entertained in Lake Clark National Park. Well none of those youngsters would have been there without their moms, and the moms are there for one reason: to eat as much as...
Continue readingThat's right the cubs win. I went to Alaska at the end of August to get a look at the grizzlies feasting on the the silver salmon run, and it ended up being all about the cubs. I had been to Lake Clark National Park before, earlier in summer when no...
Continue readingIf you want to see elephants, there aren't many places that can compare with Amboseli National Park in Kenya. Underground springs bring melt water from Mt. Kilimanjaro into the swamps of Amboseli, and that water brings in the large groups of...
Continue readingIn my last post, I mentioned that the Masai Mara is mostly known for it's big cats. While that's true, there wouldn't be any predators around if there wasn't plenty to eat. That's what this post is about; all the other treasures in the Mara. There...
Continue readingAnother fantastic trip to the Masai Mara. Big cats; Lions, leopards, cheetahs. That's what the Masai Mara is known for, and that's what I got. The game drives in and around the Masai Mara are primarily focused on seeing big cats, and its not unusual...
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